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Trey Carden

Trey Carden

I'm born and raised in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. My dad fished, so did his dad and they raised me to love fishing too. If I'm not in a creek or covered in mud walking a flat for redfish, I'll be fishing a secluded pond or stretch of river trying to find the next trophy. 

I really love throwing top water baits. Everything from 4" plugs to foam poppers on my 3wt fly rod. There isn't anything better than a blow up whether it's a 30" redfish or a 10" Blue Gill, I love it! 

I also have a passion for taking my friends fishing. I'm proud to say over the last few years I've helped a lot of folks catch their first fish or at least their first fish in years. Kayak fishing has given me an opportunity to share what I love.

Home Town: Mount Pleasant, SC