Perch works great, woulda been nice if some install instructions came with it.
I am new to kayak fishing so I’m still working on stand in yak.
I purchased the summit perch specifically so I could sit on it an site fish the flats for redfish and flounder. The perch is very sturdy especially if sitting on it. You do have to be careful, because you are shifting the center of gravity up with you body weight on top of the perch. Stability is fine, but know your limits or you could take a spill.
I installed the perch on my shearwater that is three years old. The seat cover is very stubborn and I had to disassemble the frame so that I could get to the bolt holes for the perch mounts. This was not fun! Most likely over the years the cover must have shrank (being exposed to water) and that is why it was difficult but not impossible to install.