Essential gear includes a PFD, first aid kit, signaling device, etc. One other item should be a 10L dry bag with a change of clothes, towel, warming space age foil blanket and your first aid kit. Taking a spill in cool water, even in the summer time, can bring on chills and possible shock. Getting off the water and out of wet clothes can speed your recovery. This little waterproof bag will keep these essential items secure and dry for that unexpected part of your adventure.
This is a very well made dry bag with strong stitching. I have some cheaper dry bags that i thought might be questionable in achieving their task. I have way more faith in this vibe dry bag. The removable strap is also a great feature. Now i can tether it to my seat and not have to worry about it floating away if something happens.
The 10L dry bag is the perfect size for a change of clothes, a few cameras, or misc items you may need to spend a day on the lake/river with friends. I usually use mine for a change of clothes and a dslr camera, and don’t have to worry about them getting wet. The material is thick, and it’s also easy to clip the strap around your seat for extra security.